Profile: Steef

Name: Steef
Species: Human (caucasian)
Sex: Male
Age: years
Eye color: Blue


I am Steef, a software engineer infatuated by the past and all it entails.

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the summer of 2023 at Fontys Hogescholen in the Netherlands.

I’m result driven when it comes to my work as it brings me great joy to see the fruits of my labor.

Given the opportunity, I make as much as I can myself, though using existing things is very much not out of the question for me.

What have I done?

Most everything that I have done can be found on, or through, this website through the Home page, you might’ve seen it on the way over here.

If you haven’t, just click on the handy dandy “Home” button on the navigation bar at the top of this page.