On this page, a variety of things I have made over the years.


Software that I have developed or have been involved in the development of. Clicking on the image will redirect you to a page containing more information.

Project Extractor

Program to extract the details from a WBSO pdf document

This program intends to extract the details from a WBSO pdf document and put them in a more readable format.

Offline Radio

Program to play local music as if it's a radio

Whilst music streaming is all fine and dandy, radio always brings a few things that just make me like it more, except for the complete lack of control over which music is playing. This should try and solve that.

Offline Tv System (O.T.S)

Full control local TV System

I've always preferred certain aspects of cable television, ones that I have not yet had with streaming services, and vice-versa. This will be my attempt at creating the best combo of both (for me).


Games that I have been involved in the making of. Most of these games fall under the After Dark brand, my (game) company. Clicking on the image will redirect you to a page containing more information.

The Spirit Of Radio (Godot)

Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free.

This game is currently in development. It will be me first propper venture in the Godot game engine.

Johny's Delivery (Unity)

What a lovely day for Johny. But what’s this? It looks like the mayor needs Johny’s help in delivering some packages. Well, better get to it.

This game was made for the Ludum dare 2023 game jam. I had decided on using the same art style as I used in my first game jam game, but making it 3d instead. I am quite proud of how well it turned out.

Sorama CamIV64 demo (Unity)

A VR Demo for the CamIV64 handheld acoustic camera

This demo was part of my graduation internship at Sorama BV. They had a VR demo for their then newest product, The CamIV64. I implemented missing features and overall, greatly optimised the game.

Astofire Arena (Unity)

A local versus arena fighter with customisable ships.

This game was made as a group project for my game design minor in a group of six people.
For this game I made, and textured, the engine and special weapon models. Furthermore I implemented their functionalities amongst that of other parts.

Dice Boy in Diceland: The Tripple D Feature (Unity)

A valuable lesson in being too ambitious.

This game was made for the GMTK GameJam 2022. I decided to implement the theme into the player's control scheme.
The spelling mistake in triple was intentional, being a joke in line with the gamejam’s time restricted nature.

Predator Panic (Unity)

It's the animal 1920's and your presinct has gotten a tip on a major fox crime ring.

This game was made for the Yogscast JingleJam 2021. Me and a friend made this game together, working on all aspects together. It was a fun and interesting experience working together on a gamejam.

Johny Legs (Unity)

Johny can seperate his legs! Help him through the puzzles if you would.

This game was made for the GMTK Gamejam 2021. It was my first time partaking in a gamejam and I placed much higher than I had expected which came as a nice surpise.

Jazzman (Unity)

When all the music is stolen, only you can bring it back.

I made this game alongside a classmate for a school assignment. Whilst I am happy with the result, the overall experience has left quite a sour taste as I had to work double duty, needing to teach my classmate a lot off stuff and his constant doubting of my advise.

Monument Cloney (Unity)

A game about traversing forced perspective and imposible objects

I made this game, trying to make a faithful recreation of Monument Valley, mobile layout and all. It was originally meant to be a mobile game as well, until I found out that I could not do that for iOS with the hardware available to me.

Space: The Final Demo (Unity)

Walk through an abandoned spacecraft

My first romp through game development. It initially meaning to have more to story to it, but that never came to be as I abandoned it due to wanting too much with too little knowledge at the time.